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Energized Facilitation Training

Participating as a Treatment house facilitator is a huge honor!

It is also the opportunity for major personal growth. Dr.B asks that you participate in four important training events delivered by audio recording and phone. These training events will prepare you to be successful at your facilitation duties and will provide profound value in your personal life.

All four training events are required for all facilitators, even those who have facilitated in the past. Dr. B has energized these to bring value to you over and over again each time you participant and listen.

When listening, please make note of 2 or 3 things that stand out to you that you found valuable for yourself or the team and bring these with you to the LIVE team call.

1. Dr. B audio recordings—what it means to be an Energy Facilitator.
(about 55 min total for all four links)

Treatment House Training #1

Treatment House Training #2

Treatment House Training #3

Audio from Dr. B - Becoming a Facilitator

2. Dr. B audio recording—what it means to be on an Energy Team

Energy Team Call 

3. Individual training call with a senior facilitator — This call is designed to support you in having a really wonderful facilitation experience.

  • Your senior facilitator will reach out to you to schedule the call and it will be about 20 minutes long.
  • Please review the Team Schedule for the event and have the Guide open to your job description.
  • You will be asked to read a portion of your job description out loud from the Guide on your call. This exercise is energized for you! Many facilitators have found that it provides greater clarity and understanding of their roles for the Treatment event.
  • Come ready with Energy wins and goals!

4. The LIVE team call— this Saturday, February 29th at 11 AM CST

The call-in Zoom number, with instructions, will be emailed to you later this week. 

  • Please join the call 15 minutes early for a energizing breathing exercise; the call will start at 11:00 AM.
  • Bring 2 or 3 points that stood out to you from the training audios and calls so you can share with the rest of the team.
  • If you are unable to attend this call, please let Sara Esposito know and she will provide you with the recording.