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Become a Certified

Health & Vitality Master

Learn how how to live a longer, richer life while revitalizing your body and spirit.

Ask yourself these questions.

  • How many of your goals for your physical health and vitality are you struggling to achieve?
  • Do you want to really get in shape and sustain it?
  • Or have you 'hit a wall' in your athletic performance?

Are you unhappy with your body? Can you remember what it felt like to feel young, vibrant, in the best physical shape of your life? Why does that change and does it have to change?

Would you like to know how to live a longer richer life revitalize your body and spirit?

Would you like to achieve athletic performance beyond what you imagined possible?

If you are interested in having a transformation across you entire DNA with health, longevity, and physical prowess...then the Vitality and Health Mastery Track is where you should start!

How Others are Using this Course

In this Immersion focus ... you could ...

By determining your core beliefs (what you think, feel, act), you shape or reshape your ultimate destiny. Because the past is NOT the future. If we take this journey together, it is essential you understand this point. You’re creating new things all the time for yourself and using all these new tools I’ll give you to do it with.

What You'll Learn In This Course...

Strength, vitality, fitness, achievement, health, wealth, aptitude, flexibility, stamina, do people achieve high performance in these areas?

Creating Energy Platforms

This course energizes you in standing on your past successes and choosing exactly where you need to go next in your life.

Rewarding Ourselves

Through this course, you will be getting something to make you stronger and more able to succeed in the place of fear.

Breaking through Limitations

You need to see clearly and think clearly and make decisions in reality that will make you financially and physically healthy and have good relationships.

Successfully Identifying and Navigating Pitfalls

Fueled by this Energy, you will widen your focus so that you awake to the 360-degree universe — allowing you to be successful over and over again.

Health and Vitality Mastery

Course Details

Part 1: Dreads and Your Body

Part 1 discusses using this Energy to appreciate and learn from your body and how the Matrix will convince you to take your body for granted. It also discusses how all dreads are imaginary and created to stop you from succeeding. Using this Energy, you can be multi-dimensional and handle a lot of things by being in the present. Reach for this Energy by doing your practices every morning and afternoon to not be affected by dread experiences. You need to have a good relationship with your body. Your body will tell you what it wants if you listen. You can come up with a lot of solutions if you’re in tune with your body. You will get a lot of strength if you start appreciating your body today and how good you feel most of the time.

Part 2: Goals and Creating an Energy Platform

Part 2 re-energizes you to appreciate your past successes, access reality, and choose where you want to go in life. Re-focusing on your goals and living in the present moment taps into the creative wave of your Energy self. It also empowers you to let go of your past mistakes (by celebrating your successes) as you jump on your Energy surfboard (to stay ahead of the matrix) and materialize your future goals.

Part 3: Letting Go of the Past and How to Access Success

Part 3 is on using this Energy to create success in your life and how the Matrix uses tricks such as not remembering successes and focusing on your current and past mistakes that do not support you having success. You need to have a positive platform each day to recognize and build on your successes. Create your positive platform by reaching for this Energy daily. In each moment, pick out where you are (determine what reality is) and where you want to go. Be focused on your goals and ready to change (shift your sails) at all times. In this Energy you exist in a place that is slightly ahead of the action you’re about to take.

Part 4: The Reward Box

Part 4 shows us our inner self and how we need to learn to reward ourselves instead of expecting it from outside ourselves. Inside of all of us is a little box. This box is called "the reward box". Your reward box is your ability to feel good yourself without having anybody telling you to feel good! If we are going to get back our reward box, we've got to clean it up. Right now, we are stuck with so many things blocking it. For one, we mentioned fear. It should be clear by now that when you have fear, you become a slave position to something outside of your real self. To start to get your reward box back, you need to learn that your ability to create what you want requires that you must be in reality.

Part 5: Being Hypnotized

Part 5 discusses how to go from being hypnotized by the voices in our heads to being aware and alive in this Energy. We all need to get to the point where we don't get hypnotized by the voices in our heads and lose our main focus. Being hypnotized does not do anything for our success in our relationship and in the world. In this course, you will become less and less hypnotized. You need to start to recognize that so much of the confusion, disaster and pain in your life comes directly from the Matrix, it's not really you. If you spend time listening to the voices, you will start to get an uneasy feeling which you should start to recognize as a warning sign for you to stop listening and use this Energy.

Part 6: Letting Go of Fear

Part 6 talks about fear and how it controls our lives. Many people have told me that the only way they were ever successful at giving up their fears was through the knowledge and Energy of this course. Through this course, you will be getting something to make you stronger and more able to succeed in the place of fear.

Part 7: The Trick of the Comfort Zone

Part 7 discusses the limitations of being in a zone, whether it is a comfort zone or an uncomfortable zone. Whatever comfort zone or frantic un-comfort zone you like to stay in, please recognize that it's injurious to you. Why? Because, in the comfort zone, you are withdrawing and numbing yourself out. In the frantic un-comfort zone, you are pressuring and hyper-exciting yourself. Fueling yourself with this Energy, you can stay awake and aware to hundreds of obligations that you really want to take care of, and coordinating them to a schedule which would allow you to be successful daily and feel the joy of success. You need to see clearly and think clearly and make decisions in Reality that will make you financially and physically healthy and have good relationships.

Part 8: Why can’t we all get along?

Part 8 talks about how we view appreciation. Why is it that people are so vulnerable when they’re not being appreciated by people? The Matrix will try to trick us into thinking that only the appreciation from other people is valid. Actually, appreciation is a tool, and this lecture covers the three key components of how to use this tool effectively. Appreciation is your tool being in your own reality.

Part 9: Should/Should Not

In Part 9, discover your new, adult, kind voice that makes good decisions calmly fueled by this Energy. The world keeps evolving, thus you're going to have to learn lots and lots of new things every day! There's not going to be a stopping point in anyone's life ever until it's over - completely over. Thus, fueled with this Energy that you are receiving this course, you are now on a life adventure where you will be learning new things each day, you are NOW going to accomplish more and more and more successes.

Part 10: Beginning, Middle and End

Part 9 takes us through the pitfalls of life in the Matrix versus life in this Energy. There's a beginning, middle and an end to every day of your life. You actually turn on the value of your life by how much of the Reality you are actively aware of. Please don't get tricked into picking something to throw your life away for. Rather, choose this Energy and be fueled by this Energy and not be stuck in tricks thrown at you by the Matrix and be stuck with the disappointments. Pick something where you can fuel yourself with this Energy and stay up on your board and be able to go through all of the wonderful reality that God has provided for us.

Part 11: Being a Victim

After Part 11, you’re going to know which side of victimization you're on at all times - and therefore be much more successful in the face of going after any goals you want - no matter whether you are in the Olympics, or in your job. You need to realize that sometimes you're going to be a victim to things that happen in life. And there seems to be just nothing that you can do to prevent them. The key thing is that using this Energy, do not get sucked into the world in which the problems are occurring, but instead, you need to be fueled by this Energy and to actually see what's going on in Reality. You need to be fueled by this Energy and widen your focus, so that you awake to the 360-degree universe and this will allow you to take many successful trips up many mountains in life and have a great time.

Part 12: Goalsy

Part 12 focuses on how to create goals within this Energy. In order to be successful, everyone’s focus has to change. Get active on focusing the energy, get your attention off the Matrix and reach out into reality where the good stuff is. We can create new goals and create things right in the face of the Matrix. Learn how to play your own game in the reality of life.

Who Should Get Certified

Athletes & Artists

Achieve your highest performance and creativity.

People with Illness

Create a new platform to heal and support your body to wellness.


Stay in your top high performance form.


You don't have time to be sick, stressed out, no body nobody.

Doctors & Nurses

Support your patients in achieving health and balance in their bodies.

Coaches & Consultants

Support your clients in optimal health.

How It Works

Watch the videos.

Attend your live calls.

Write your goals.

Do your mental and physical exercises.

The Energy for Success is Different

Yes, you can find other trainings and certifications that cover similar topics, but an Energy for Success certification is a unique, one of a kind course that you cannot take anywhere else in the world. No one else has made public the knowledge and teachings you will receive through this mastery track.

In other words, you would not be here if you weren’t looking for a life-changing, one of a kind experience that delivers real, measurable outcomes in your life. You are joining a community that includes some of the most famous high performers on the planet from business, sports, art & music, politicians, and community leaders. You will be supported by a community of people committed to achieving the best performance and success in their lives. If that sounds appealing, then welcome! You've found your home.