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So, the big question to ask yourself right now is where do I want to go first?

We offer five unique experiences for you to embark on based on where you want to go first. Scroll down to see them all.

How does this all work?

What you will ultimately learn by studying under me is how to operate your life in a “masterful way”. On your own — not-dependent on me after the immersion process is completed.

Most true Grand Masters typically operate in either elevated or private spheres you would normally never gain personal access to.

I had to travel to the remotest parts of China and then hike 6 miles up to the top of an almost unreachable mountain. You would never — no matter how much money you spend — be able to encounter them in your ordinary daily life. But I’ve dedicated the last 20 years of my life to help deserving people like you transform yourselves into your own masters of your destiny.

My 12-month immersion process is indescribably important — if you truly desire to master your life — you owe yourself the experience.

Now that I’ve set the appropriate stage of appreciation, so you fully comprehend what it means to study under a true Grand Master, what it’s like to become truly masterful in your own right and to be able to master your own destiny, let me take you into the future. I’ll share some insights on what the 12-month experience will be like as we grow a transformative life together. Obviously, I can only touch a small part here; it’ll give you a better idea of what’s in store.

What is your immersion

experience like?


In many ways, this is the true pinnacle of all that I’ve been teaching. It brings it all together — absorbing technology, the experiences to model, the applied approaches, the mirroring and modeling of the achievements, the passion, the entire method from my madness, as taught to me by the greatest Grand Master alive today. It brings together all the different areas of all the critical elements and interconnects them into a critical synthesis that will drive more success in more areas of your life than you can possibly imagine.

No matter which topic and where you choose to start – I’ll provide dozens of highly specific healing exercises, success achievement exercises, and relationship enriching exercises that should produce profound improvements very rapidly in all areas of your life.

During this process, I’ll spend fascinating time training you to better utilize your perception and receptivity — and in the process you will transformatically master the ability to get yourself out of learned helplessness.

After being emancipated from fear, uncertainty, inhibition — you’ll get to elevate yourself above the maddening crowd. You’ll look at your life, you’ll look at your decisions, you’ll look at your opportunities, and you’ll look at your supposed problems from afar, clear and more enlightened vantage point.

I’ll spend powerful time showing you everything you’ll ever need to know to achieve total emotional mastery for the rest of your life. I’ll endow you with the immediate ability to always change from an undesirable emotional state into a highly desirable and resourceful one. This SKILL alone is critical to your ability to be a successful business owner, professional, father, mother, friend, lover, leader or follower.

I want to show you how it’s possible, yes, it’s actually possible, to instantly change your mindset whenever you confront difficult or undesirable challenges throughout your life, to be able to flip it like a switch, to be able to have that surge of ‘oxygen’ running through your blood that can give you the energy you need.

I’ll also teach you my own personal formula for always mastering your personal reality. It’s a wonderfully effective technique that empowers you to constantly control the quality of information your brain accepts. You’ll learn how information and focus combine to produce your personal reality — and why (and how) your behavior constantly (and dramatically) affects your destiny. Most people don’t even see this until I demonstrate it to them on stage using this Energy and using the exercises. It makes you far more confident in yourself and in others.


It’s all about connecting yourself to a source and force of energy that will drive your entire body, mind, and being to levels of clarity, performance, and connectivity never before experienced. It’s all about connecting yourself. By the time you complete any session you’ll be totally empowered. No more fear — no more helplessness. You’ll have purpose, certainty, and total focus.

“The emancipation of “2,000 pounds of psychic lead weight” from your being is exhilarating. My message is disarmingly powerful.”
— Dr. Barry Morguelan - The Energy for Success

What do you really want out of the rest of your life?

If you’re ready to start finally achieving your goals – stop being afraid, fragmented or confused – this immersive process will show you the way, and at the same time, put you at peace and allow you to become passionate about everything you do.

If you’ve struggled trying to find the right techniques and guidance to always motivate yourself and others in whatever you pursue — it comes with the process.

  • You’ll learn how to put yourself in a constant state of always seeing yourself succeeding and gaining a wonderful new habit of feeling awesome about yourself, your life, and all those around you.
  • Your personal business or job performance will markedly improve. You’ll see work as a positive exciting challenge.
  • You’ll develop a powerful, specific strategy for you to achieve your individual goals and it’ll come to you more easily and rapidly and continuously than you ever imagined possible.
  • You’ll begin to see significant and meaningful changes in ALL parts of your life.
  • You’ll finally learn how to have complete control of your life and total control over your destiny.
  • You’ll become more knowledgeable about yourself as well as about others. More patient and nurturing too!
  • You’ll develop dedication, greater integrity, a renewed work ethic, and increased internal energy that results from increasing the input of external energy, and possibly best of all – a love of humanity.


Your personal performance will improve. Your income could rise significantly.


Eliminate fears of making mistakes. Fears of meeting new people. Fears of dying, failing or succeeding and on and on.


You simply won’t be the same person after each successive session than you started out as on day one.


Your entire outlook on yourself and on life and relationships will totally transform.


Personal tragedies will seem less like tragedies and more like opportunities.


You’ll feel better and be able to give more of yourself and your power and energy to others.


You’ll live every day to the fullest and at the satisfaction of knowing you’re contributing something meaningful to your loved ones, job, friends and the world around you.

Ready to start?

No matter where you choose to start this journey with me, my immersion process will quickly show you that you ARE always (and have always) been in full and absolute control of your destiny. I can tell you something until I’m blue in the face. But one good demonstration that I’ll perform in this multi-modality process (video, audio, exercises, and interviews) done before your very eyes with you experiencing it for yourself — particularly when you are the one directly experiencing the positive and desirable result — will prove to you, beyond ‒ a ‒ shadow ‒ of ‒ a doubt, that you really can control your destiny.