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Fast-track your success in Source Energy with monthly live audio sessions with Dr. B – one of the most powerful and practical methods available.



Fast-track your success in Source Energy with monthly live audio sessions with Dr. B – one of the most powerful and practical methods available.



The “Catapult into the Energy” Audio Series is a potent and rich opportunity. It is a powerful series of calls that focus on ways to increase your effectiveness. People call in from all over the world to learn how they can successfully incorporate Source Energy into their work, relationships, and all areas of their lives. Dr. B leads an extremely informative discussion about a unique topic. Past topics have included: Sustaining Success, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Effective Communication, and Destiny. People have described this hour-long Course and discussion as a huge Energy lift that holds them in good stead for a long time afterward.

Time: 1 Hour Call Monthly on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 6:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm CT / 9:00 pm ET

Catapult Call Dates for 2021: 01/28 / 02/25 / 03/25

Note: The recording of each call will be provided to you via our Energy for Success App when registered for the Audio Series.

Contact: Harmony Theory at

Cost: $75 for individuals or $112.50 for couples per month recurring automatic monthly renewal.

The Catapult Audio Series is a monthly subscription program and access to calls and recordings will be accessible as long as the subscription is active. If the subscription is terminated, the recordings will no longer be accessible.