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High Performance

Our Price: $300.00

So, you want to begin your journey by achieving the same mastery of high performance and achievement used by successful people all over the world? This is Mastery Level 1 on that journey and when completed will earn you the Bronze Crane (Qīngtóng hè) Certification from the Morguelan Energy Institute. You can use this focus to master any complexity, challenge, or failure to 10x your business or any area of your life you are seeking to become an unstoppable high performer and use this Immersion Course to …

  • Get you what you want out of your career, physical prowess, health, goals.
  • Making a lot of money and becoming financially secure -- or even wealthy, while you're young enough to enjoy and appreciate it.
  • You have greater control over the gratification and financial aspects of your destiny. This process will absolutely give you the help you need in these areas.
  • You become more persuasive and effective as a business man or woman, a leader, a friend, a lover, parent or mate.

This course has been used by pro-athletes, company leaders, politicians, artists, authors, professionals, coaches and others to drive high performance in themselves and others. Through a powerful series of physical, mental and guided breathing exercises as well as course content available to you via your mobile device or computer anytime 24/7 and optional daily, live group calls with your personal facilitators, you can move as quickly as you want to this first-level of mastery.

The High Performance Mastery Course Includes:

  • 12 Core Modules
  • 24 Video Lessons
  • 36 Guided Breathing Exercises
  • 24+ Mental and Physical Exercises
  • Access to Daily Live Facilitated Group Calls – 365 days per year!
  • Monthly Group Success Calls with yur Course Facilitators
  • Private Moderated Facebook Page (invitation only) to Connect with Fellow Course Members and Ask Questions of Dr. Morgueln and the Facilitation Team
  • 12 Energy Practice Guides in PDF o Print-out and Take With You
  • 12 Competency Tests
  • One free ticket to be a part of our life-changing live events in Austin, Texas where the courses are filmed and meet Dr Barry in person!

Plus, upon successful completing of the course and all the competency tests you will also receive:

  • A badge designating you as a Certified Master of High Performance that can be hosted on your website, email signature and LinkedIn profile
  • A digital, printable certificate suitable for framing
  • Status and recognition as a Certified Master of High Performance